Things I’ve learned about the water cycle.

In our class we have been learning about the water cycle the last few weeks and I learned some real cool stuff about it.

There is still the same amount of water in the world since the world started and we could be drinking water that Dinosaurs have drunk.

I learnt that surface runoff is water from rain, snow melt  or other sources that flow over surfaces on land and condensation.


4 thoughts on “Things I’ve learned about the water cycle.”

  1. Hi Angus, thanks for commenting on my blog, 🙂
    I find it really cool how we might be drinking the same water as the dinosaurs drunk! Our class have been learning about the water cycle too! Next time, maybe explain about the different parts of the water cycle.

  2. Hi Angus, I’m Lesieli and i’m from OIS. Really enjoyed reading this piece of writing because i learnt some new facts I didn’t know. Good Job!

  3. I forgot somethings about it that’s why I didn’t explain a lot about it because I forgot a lot about it.

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